At Bright Kids we embrace the Fundamental British Values (FBV’s) into our curriculum. We are already delivering these within the Early Years Foundation Stage. There are four main themes to the Fundamental British Values (FBV’s). They are listed here along with some of the learning links that we support in our settings. If you ever suspect a concern then use the contact numbers at the end of this page to take further advice or act immediately.
Fundamental British Values
Fundamental British Values: Rule of law
Supporting children in understanding right from wrong and managing their own behaviour and its impact on others
Learning Links:
- Takes steps to resolve own conflicts
- Responds to boundary setting
- Understands rules matter
- Begins to negotiate & solve problems
- Can create rules with others
- Understands rules apply to everyone
Fundamental British Values: Individual Liberty
Encouraging children to make choices, develop independence and to think for themselves. Provide experiences to explore feelings and responsibilities.
Learning Links:
- Expresses preferences & interests
- Shares experiences with others
- Confident to speak with others about feelings
- Knows some things make them unique
Fundamental British Values: Democracy
Giving children the opportunity to develop self-confidence and self-awareness. To make choices and decisions about what to explore and how they might use the resources provided.
Learning Links:
- Engages in play with others
- Makes decisions together
- Knows they are unique
- Understands similarities & differences
- Enjoys family customs & routines
Fundamental British Values: Mutual Respect & Tolerance
Providing a setting with an ethos of inclusivity and tolerance. Where faiths, cultures and races are valued and children are engaged with the wider community.
Learning Links:
- Treats others as they want to be treated
- Plays alongside others and forms good relationships
- Is aware of others feelings and that some actions can cause harm
- Joins in with family customs and routines and understands some differences
Concerns can be raised with the local police or reported on 101.
The Department for Education has a helpline to raise concerns: 020 7340 7264 or email:
In an Emergency where you see suspicious activity and suspect terrorism, report it on 0800 789321