Bright Beginnings at Bright Kids – aged 6 weeks to 24 months
Within our ‘Our Explorers’ baby suites we ensure a bright start is provided for your baby.
Our baby suites are calming, relaxing yet fun environments; cleverly utilising natural light and ensuring correct ventilation with a consistent temperature throughout. This ensures a relaxed, “home from home” atmosphere is created.
With a staff to child ratio of 1:3 the playrooms have plenty of dedicated floorspace for your baby to crawl and also run around. We use dedicated kitchen areas to store and also prepare food. We carry out individual “messy & creative” play experiences. There are sleepzones and also baby changing facilities throughout all sites.
We create loving and caring environments, with first class facilities, maintaining rigid standards of cleanliness. This means that babies receive the very best care and attention. Stimulating development via a wide variety of play activities helps babies to “learn through play” from their very first day, all of which supports their development within the prime areas of learning. We build on this “learn through play” philosophy as your child progresses through the nursery. This also continues on into the out of school clubs.
We maintain routines established at home are, wherever possible, and to ensure we communicate everything back to parents. Your baby has their own diary, so that you don’t miss out on the day’s events.
Our informative information packs make it easy for parents to know what they need to provide and what Bright Kids provide as part of the service. Please click the link above to order yours.
All of this means that your baby receives a wonderful and magical introduction to nursery life before moving on to our Toddler Zones.